Sunday, November 4, 2012

Giving to Church

I gave this short talk in church today, two days before the election for President, senate and other offices. It uses language heard in advertisements many times each day leading to the election in the “swing” state of Wisconsin. The primary message is not political. The congregation laughed and applauded.

I’m Kathy Whitt and I approve this message.

Is God more liberal than Nancy Pelosi?  You’re darn right!
It’s time to get out and vote (financially) for Jesus and for St. Dunstan’s.
Latest polls show that God is winning. The devil is not for you any more.

St. Dunstan’s supports one special interest – the church. Your donation to St. Dunstan’s helps with God’s way of delivering God’s love to you – via St. Dunstan’s.

You can support your church. Your money represents what you care about. Love for God means giving to God’s work.

Here is what I do. This is my way. I give by rule.
First, I make it a priority in how I use my income.  That means it isn’t about things like passing judgment on church activities I don’t like…such as sermons (which are all wonderful), the music (which is terrific), my amount of spare cash, or my feelings about anything. I take it off the top rather than giving from my surplus (if I ever have a surplus).
Second, I make my pledge a percentage of my income – the tithe principle. Biblically, the tithe is ten percent. I think the principle is to give whatever percentage is possible, depending on circumstances. Years ago Rick and I started with a small percentage and gradually increased over the years. We had five kids living at home. It was possible.

St. Dunstan’s needs your pledge. This church will not be outsourced to China. We have a lot of ways to bring us into God’s love here in Madison, and they require financial support.

The following theology is presented by the Episcopal Church.
Think about the offertory in the Eucharist. It’s in the Book of Common Prayer and the church tradition. In the offertory, our gifts to God are bread, wine and our money. The gospel says that Jesus took bread, gave thanks, broke the bread and shared it with his disciples. This is the Eucharist.
It was taking bread then. It’s bread, wine and money now. We all are participating in this ongoing Eucharist with our gifts.

I’m asking you to give early and often. Make your pledge today. Fill out your pledge card today.

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